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Thursday, October 13, 2005

sometimes i wish i had a shetland pony

i mean, really. i think it would do a lot for my life. probably not much for my image (or persistent flea problem), but it could really round out my personality. i can just picture coming home each day to a little pony in my apartment. of course, i'd take it out all the time so it could play and i could ride it. there are even seeing-eye ponies! i'm so tired, i sound like a nutt.

what a week! totally void of school-like things (that is, unless you consider taking a nasty midterm scholastic). monday night was the "welcome chanda (trevor's oldest sister) and sarah (chanda's friend) potluck" in perryville. i took homemade pumpkin pie, made from a real pumpkin. some people say that it's better from the can. i disagree. wholeheartedly. i even toasted the seeds with garlic salt. tasty. tuesday trevor and i had a little "chat" that was i suppose a bit less than pleasant. wednesday was back to perryville for meredith's going away party (moss, i thought you were gonna be there). had dinner at joel's first, which was delicioso. today was the longest day ever at my internship. i just didn't have enough to really keep me busy enough not to notice how exhausted i've been. tonight trevor, chanda, et. al. came in to town and i met them at the flying fish (favorite) for dinner. then everybody came back to my apartment to hang out for a while. i think it was the most people that i've had over here since i moved in...kind of sad. i'm thinking of having a dinner over here or something...any takers?


Leah Billings said...

You'll have to catch me up on what happened Tuesday. We should hang out this weekend...have any plans for Friday night? A dinner party sounds fabulous. We could even host one together if you're interested (since no one wants to drive to Conway to come to my house).

Elizabeth Spann said...

My sister and I are going to Benevita's for our free entree that you and Leah had. But I can hang out afterwards! Give me a call!

Chandle said...

I wish I could come to dinner. I miss you Brooke. I'm sorry things are so tiring right now.