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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

cat's out of the bag...

so here's my secret. although i am saddened by all of the evidence of the greenhouse effect, i secretly love the warmer weather. that's right. i love it that the high tomorrow is 70! why is this??? am i mad? no, i just don't like cold weather. it hurts. my fingers and toes turn yellow and they sting and i shiver. yuck. if it worked out for me to move to a place where the high was always 76 and the low 64, i'd totally do it. i can always travel to get my seasons. they're totally overrated. i'm sure most of you think i'm ridiculous, but that's just the story.
whew, thanksgiving starts today for little brooke. trevor's family gets in tonight, so i'm off to perryville after class to see them and to spend wednesday with them. then dinner at louis's restaurant (reno's argenta cafe, for those who haven't heard) and probably meeting up with rachel to hang out. thursday, of course, will be thanksgiving with the family... the count is currently 37, with the possibility for a total of 40 people if louis's girlfriend and her parents show up. i think that might be an alltime high. aunt margie is going crazy! i don't blame her. well, i've got to get to my full day of classes. i'll leave you with this link. be careful, you can get addicted for sure. it's a numbers puzzle called sudoku. i'm loving it!
happy turkey day peeps!


Elizabeth Spann said...

Wow! 40 people! That's insane. Have fun with the fam! I will probably be going out on Friday if you and Trevor are interested- let me know!

Leah Billings said...

Good luck with the "meeting of the parents"!

the gloria family said...

geez, 40!!! how in the heck do you cook for 40 people? i am impressed.

Elizabeth Spann said...

Aunt Margie is superhuman with skills beyond belief.

Leslie Robus said...

I love sudoku. There is 1 in the paper everyday here in st. louis, and they always keep me busy at work. Some of the hard ones really piss me off though when I stare at the thing for a hour and get no where. I am hopelessly addicted.