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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

say hello to my little friend..

subtitle to the post: could brookeje be losing her mind???
so i just had one of the WORST nights of sleep ever! ashley and i had a fun little girlies night with damgoode and beer..."i'm going to sleep so well," i said. i mean, i haven't been drinking enough water, so i was totally buzzed before i'd finished beer #1 (pathetic, i know, but good since i only had two beers at the apt). i figured i'd sleep like a ROCK. but no, something awoke me at about 1:45. at first it was some crampies, then a bit of a tummy ache. then it was "scratch scratch scratch...scuffle scuffle scuffle". yep, the squirrels (i'm hoping for squirrels over rats or mice because at least they're not quite as scary or gross) living in my outer wall and the other wall by my bed were having an all-nighter. i don't know what the hell they were doing in there; sounded a lot like tag and build a nest...yikes! i couldn't fall back asleep! at one point i dozed off, only to have this weird awake dream where i SWEAR i heard the noise get louder and i felt something jump on my bed right behind me. i'm pretty sure it wasn't real, because in the "dream" i sort of thought it was a cat or something (way too big to be living in my walls). at about 5:30 (that's right, folks), i was certain i heard them in my bathroom. and not just under the bathtub like i normally hear them when i'm showering; i could hear one IN the bathtub. i put on my brave hat (and my tennis shoes in case i had to bolt to safety) and flipped on the light in the the noise. so i step up on the toilet (can't get me there), and fling open the shower curtain. nothing. now, there's this hole in my wall under the sink around one of the water pipes, and i've always suspected that whatever's been living in my walls sometimes sneaks through the hole and hangs out in my bathroom (which would totally explain the origin of the fleas in my bathroom when i do not own a pet!). grabbed some duct tape, and closed the sucker up. i'm hoping i'm pretty critter-proff at this point. i mean, man i don't want rabies or some flea-carried disease from a nasty little rodent. i want to call my landlord, but....what if i'm crazy? what if what i'm "hearing" isn't real? wouldn't be the first in my immediate family...children of people with schizophrenia have roughly until the age of 25 to develop it if they're going to get it genetically...still 24 here!

no really, they're totally real though.


the gloria family said...

CALL THE LANDLORD. he can check and then you'll know. you shouldn't be worrying that rodents might climb into your bathroom. if they are there your landlord needs to do something about it.

katandkarl said...

i agree with gloria, call the landlord. you are not cRaZy! =)

Leah Billings said...

That happened to me once at one of our lake homes up north during winter, except I awoke to scratchy noises coming from the ceiling right above my head. I totally had a freak out, panic attack and could not go back to sleep. I know how you feel. Rodents (and bugs) are the devil. (At least when they're in your home.)

Unknown said...

um, yeah, so the Top Story on channel 4 KARK this afternoon was on rodents getting into houses because of winter weather...i'm not crazy!!!

Elizabeth Spann said...

Remember when that rat was trying to claw its way through David's shower on Donaghey? That house was sick. :)

Chandle said...

Remember when Virginia's parents had that problem, and he shot one and nailed it crucifixon style to a pole? He said "that'll show 'em". Do that.
How could I forget the one in David's shower drain, how freakin disgusting.