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Saturday, January 21, 2006

curried hummus and kitty snapshots

i'm finally posting that recipe for curried hummus that some of you enjoyed at the survivor finale party. sorry it's taken so long to do so...busy and distracted and whatnot. i've been playing a lot of harry potter on xbox. celebrating ashley's birthday with pizza and cake, and joel's with even more pizza. okay, so here it is:
curried hummus
2 cans chick peas
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 garlic cloves, crushed
4 teaspoons curry powder
6 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 cup water
salt, to taste
hot sauce, to taste

i just threw it all into my cuisinart and blended it until i got the consistency i wanted.

and here are some random photos of the cat. who, by the way, is obsessed with jumping onto the tv which is not on the sturdiest of tv carts (yikes!) and wandering the halls of the apt. building (but NOT going outside, sadly). note the SNOW in the first shot...i couldn't believe it!

how cute is my little family?!


Chandle said...

Too cute! I might take you up on that hummus. I think my team would like it.

Leah Billings said...

I like the picture of the cat by the window, but I still don't like cats. Maybe someday. :)

Unknown said...

you just have to give tarzan a chance, man.

Elizabeth Spann said...

Yeah! Glad I have that recipe now. It was fabulous! Nice pictures- it's strange that you have a cat now. Ha, ha.