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Saturday, April 22, 2006

i have a weakness for these silly things

i know these are pretty cheesy, and i totally stole this from kari's blog (but she stole it from someone else, so it's okay), so don't feel obligated to read this at all. if you want something with more sustinance, read friday's post about my little feet in the world of bigger shoes.

A - Available: nah
A - Age: 25 on sunday (dum, da dum dum)
A - Annoyance: bad grammar

B - Best Friend: trevor seth
B - Birthday: tomorrow

C - Crush: aidan from sex in the city
C - Car: professor plum
C - Cat: tarzan, the crazy cat

D - Dead Pets Name: that's kind of morbid, but heidi is the one i miss the most
D - Dads Name: dave and gene(uncle)
D - Dogs: we can't wait to get one, but can't agree on what size...

E - Easiest person to talk to: boy: trevor, girl: ashley
E - Eggs: delicioso, especially with cavendars
E - Email: 4 friggen accounts

F - Favorite color: green and pink
F - Food: everyday: potatoes, special occasion: crab legs, dessert: lemon icebox pie
F - Foreign Slang: i think i could get myself into trouble with that one, so i'll go safe: testa duda (italian for "hard head")

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: haribo nonchocolate candy EVER
G - God: not sure
G - Good Times: what i look for

H - Hair Color: dyed it dark brown over spring break, and NOT ONE person has noticed!
H - Height: '5''2 and a quarter (and yes, the quarter counts)
H - Happy: generally, except when i've got pms (as in now)

I - Ice Cream: moose tracks
I - In school: graduate in 3 weeks...msw

J - Jewelry: silver only
J - Job: intern at arkansas advocates for children and families
J - Jokes: horrible at telling them

K - Kids: want two...recently learned the "secret" to having a boy
K - Karate: ummm, i love the karate kid
K - Kung fu: i have no idea...

L - Longest Car Ride: phoenix, az to seattle, wa (took 4 days with my family and hampsters)
L - Longest relationship: roughly 5 years
L - Last kiss: just this morning

M - Milk Flavor: skim or chocolate or strawberry...i love milk!
M - Mothers Name: laurie and margie(aunt)
M - Movie Last Watched: crash--even more intense than i'd figured

N - Number of Siblings: six, three brothers and three sisters
N - Northern or Southern: SOUTHERN
N - Name: alexandra brooks stapleton

O - One Wish: to be happy with the job i take
O - One Phobia: storms
O - Otter Pop: any flavor but grape

P - Parents, are they married or divorced: married
P - Part of your appearance you like best: hair
P - Part of your personality you like best: not a good question for today

Q - Quote: "A way of life in which each person used only a fair share of the resources of the world and yet somehow enjoyed life would be a real step toward world peace." B.F. Skinner
Q - Quick or Slow?: driving and walking: quick, eating: slow

R - Reality TV Show: wish i didn't like them, but i don't like them all
R - Right or Left: most things: right, belaying: left
R - Right now: trying to keep tarzan of the laptop

S - Song Last Heard: i have no idea
S - Season: spring
S - Sport: riding my bike...not that i do that in any sort of sporty way, tough i do have the gear...

T - Time you woke up: 8ish
T - Time Now: 9:26 am
T - Time for bed: between 10 and 11

U - Unknown Fact about me: i don't wear deodorant
U - Unicorns: pretended to be one when i was a kid
U - You are: ready for breakfast...mmmmmm lucky charms

V - Vegetable you hate: i've never tried brussells sprouts, but i know i'd hate them
V - Vegetable you love: fresh asparagus

W- Worst Habits: chewing on the inside of my cheeks
W- Where are you going to travel next?: probably ne tennessee and pennsylvania (where i've never been)
W - Where were you born?: camp springs, md (essentially washington, dc)

X - X-Rays: my thumb when i was little (what a waste), and on my leg when i got a stress fracture from playing ultimate in college (actually required a bone scan)
X - Xylaphone: i have a difficult time spelling that word
X - X: men, wish i were one...i'd want to be invisible, i think

Y - Year you were born: 1981
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: not a good color for the bedroom...too exciting

Z - Zoo Animal: not a fan of the zoo, but i do like the primates
Z - Zodiac: taurus
Z - Zoolander: hi-larious. i just can't get enough of ben stiller


Anonymous said...

yay! it makes me smile seeing other people liking my surveys too! :)

so... what is the secret to having a boy? I'm quite curious!

Unknown said...

kari, it's not something i could post online without having everyone blushing to the max

Chandle said...

I want to be an x man too. Yeah what is the secret. Happy Birthday Brooke!!!!!!!!!!