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Saturday, July 02, 2005

copy cat

so i've decided to be totally unoriginal on this post and cut-and-paste the "survey" from jon's blog, only with answers pertaining to yours truly...i'm just trying to come up with something to do while i lie down before going out that doesn't involve falling asleep.
so here's to me being uncreative with my time:

Who was the last person...
[1] You touched? stacey
[2] You talked to? ashley
[3] You hugged? trevor seth
[4] You instant messaged? i have no was soooo long ago
[5] You kissed? trevor seth
[6] You yelled at? trevor seth (sorry, babe)
[7] You laughed with? stacey, jody, and josh
[8] You had a crush on? not telling...

Name four drinks you regularly drink:
[1] water
[2] fruit juice
[3] milk
[4] amaretto sours

Name four random facts about yourself:
[1] i have a midget toe
[2] i have had the same stuffed animal, mutt, since i was an infant
[3] i hate making the bed, but love it when trevor does
[4] my name is really alexandra brooks

Name four random facts about your family:
[1] crazy
[2] when i was 9 i moved in with my aunt, uncle, and 5 cousins
[3] aunt margie makes the best ever fried chicken and mashed potatoes
[4] i have some relatives that were raised thinking they were twins, but they were really cousins (told you, crazy)

Have you ever...
[1] Fallen for a friend? indeed, and i'm marrying him
[2] Made out with JUST a friend? yep
[3] Been rejected? enough to be good at it
[4] Been in lust? how could i not?
[5] Used someone? probably
[6] Ever been used? certainly
[7] Cheated? never in a million years
[8] Been cheated on? yes, one kiss can seem pretty major to a junior high relationship...
[9] Done something you regret? i try not to let myself regret things, but yes.
[10] Can you list a few of them? not here

Do you..?
[1] Color your hair? used to, may again
[2] Have tattoos? just one
[3] Have Piercing(s)? just ears
[4] Have a boy/girl friend? yepper
[5] Floss daily? i wish
[6] Like to groove to the music? you bet it
[7] Think you are cultured? enough for the time being
[8] Like to drive fast? uh, once caught going 92 in a 65...i guess that's pretty fast.
[9] Believe in God or Devil? definitely not the devil
[10] Believe in The Closet Monster? no, but i used to believe in the toilet monster...had to flush while halfway out the door.

Miscellaneous Questions!
[1] What should you be doing right now? taking a shower and gettin pretty
[2] What are you listening to? my window unit air conditioner
[3] Can you do anything freakish with your body? not notably freakish
[4] Chicken or fish? fish
[5] Favorite Season? spring
[6] Is ice cream the best thing in the world? it's not too far down the list
[7] What would your dream date be? i have no idea
[8] Silver, gold or platinum? anything but yellow gold
[9] Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? restaurant...either, really
[10] Roses or wild flowers? wildflowers...
[11] Silly or serious romance? a little of both
[12] What CD is in your CD player right now? a mix i made before i "moved" to denver
[13] Who was your favorite Spice Girl? scary (see picture)
[14] Favorite Disney Characters? as me: ariel, as a bf: aladdin (i mean, he was fashioned from tom cruise!)
[15] Favorite fast food? grilled stufft burrito (no meat) from taco bell, wendy's fries, and a cherry slush from sonic (the best hang-over cure i've found yet)
[16] Favorite book(s)? i'm pretty hooked on harry potter
[17] Sports Team? wabbits
[18] Favorite song(s)? : dancing in the moonlight as done by toploader
[19] What room is your computer in? wherever. the computer accessories and desk live in the hall of the apartment (now, isn't that efficient)
[20] What is your shoe size? 5
Happy or Scary movies? i'll watch just about anything (except maybe a western...unless held at gunpoint)
[22] What will you be when you grow up? i'm going to save the world.
23] Who do you consider your best friend? ahleah


Ellen said...

geez, and i thought i knew you.

Susan said...

I somehow got to your blog from a series of clicking on links from other people's. So, you don't know me...but I thought it was really cool you have a picture dressed up as the Spice Girls, cause I have one of me and my friends too. It's hilarious. It was a Halloween mixer in college. I'll try to find it. Good idea!