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Monday, November 28, 2005

family and then some...

39. that's right. 39 people for thanksgiving. it was actually quite a good time. so here's the overview of the holiday week: monday i went to the fountain with rachel (a friend that calls) to meet up with evan and watch the razorback game. tuesday i skipped out on class early to meet up with trevor and family (his mom, dad, and younger sister) in perryville. wednesday trevor and i took his family to louis's restaurant so they could informally meet some of my family. wow, almost everyone was there! thursday was lunch at aunt margie and uncle gene's...tons of food, tons of people. we didn't go to a movie, though...first time in years! trevor's and my family really hit it off. good stuff. we were just sorry that his older sisters couldn't make it.
friday we had breakfast with his family before sending them off for tennessee. got to see some old friends, horray for jena! saturday was pretty lazy; went to see nonie because she broke her arm on friday at the salon. sunday we had quite a day...three hours to retrieve aaron from siloam springs, and three hours back all amidst the crazy storminess.
so now i'm in the home stretch. last week at my internship, last week for MCP and stats, and just 2 weeks for evaluation & research. woohoo. then it's weeks and weeks of work-free bliss! i'll be knitting, knitting, cleaning, knitting, and watching loads of movies and tv. i'm pumped.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

cat's out of the bag...

so here's my secret. although i am saddened by all of the evidence of the greenhouse effect, i secretly love the warmer weather. that's right. i love it that the high tomorrow is 70! why is this??? am i mad? no, i just don't like cold weather. it hurts. my fingers and toes turn yellow and they sting and i shiver. yuck. if it worked out for me to move to a place where the high was always 76 and the low 64, i'd totally do it. i can always travel to get my seasons. they're totally overrated. i'm sure most of you think i'm ridiculous, but that's just the story.
whew, thanksgiving starts today for little brooke. trevor's family gets in tonight, so i'm off to perryville after class to see them and to spend wednesday with them. then dinner at louis's restaurant (reno's argenta cafe, for those who haven't heard) and probably meeting up with rachel to hang out. thursday, of course, will be thanksgiving with the family... the count is currently 37, with the possibility for a total of 40 people if louis's girlfriend and her parents show up. i think that might be an alltime high. aunt margie is going crazy! i don't blame her. well, i've got to get to my full day of classes. i'll leave you with this link. be careful, you can get addicted for sure. it's a numbers puzzle called sudoku. i'm loving it!
happy turkey day peeps!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

in search of "plan C"

well, plan A didn't work out so well...i'm on to plan B, so why not have a plan C???

that's right. i'm thinking of applying for peace corps. actually, i've kind of already begun the application process. i probably won't end up doing it, it's just a thought...i mean, if all else fails, maybe i can do some good work and have an adventure. it's been something i've always wanted to do, it just hasn't fit in to my "plan", but who knows?

not much to report from the weekend: football game on friday, food poisioning and barfing all day saturday, sleeping sunday AND monday... wow, it's just been so much fun!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

playin hookie

ahhh, it just feels so good. i went to school totally planning to go to all of my classes (which usually last from 10 am to 7:30 pm), but decided to fink out after giving my presentation on external validity (BOR-ING) and left after having lunch in the lounge with my ADP pals. so instead of going to class i went job hunting for christmas break. if anyone knows of a job lead, by the way, let me know. then i took to making a sweetness surprise for trevor seth as tomorrow is our 2-year anniversary. crazy how fast 2 years go...
the saturday potluck was a success. we had a good handful of people here and everyone left lots of leftovers...which is really good cause i'm too poor to buy groceries for a while...
sunday trevor and i helped todd with a heifer booth at an alternative gift market and then had lunch with todd and kat.
this week is internship busy...i had tons of stuff to do yesterday, tomorrow is the staff retreat at millinium bowl, and thursday is the culmination of the project i've worked on most of the semester. whew!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

tons of pictures...perhaps too many...

from party #1: jr (biker) and kristen (daphney)
blue (dirty priest) and leah (stepford wife)
me (garden) and elizabeth (narnian ice queen)
emily and eric...hosts of the party, costumes self-explanatory...
audra and mike...what a hoot!
from party # 2: moyer...can you believe this sweet ladie works at ann taylor?
trevor seth as trevor seth and me as a garden (or whatever)
joel (steve zizzou) and ashley's mom sarah as a fat belly dancer (yes, with a fat suit!)
travis the werewolf and katie the butterfly
cutie ashley the queen bee
gina and the kids, lauren frances (princess jasmine), hunter (blue power ranger), and lindsey aka "marty" (minne mouse)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

open invitation

so i don't know what this is all about, i guess it's some sort of game. but i'm having a potluck dinner this saturday at my apartment at 6:30. there will be no dice involved. i sent out emails to those that i have, but if i didn't send one to you, and you're reading this, consider yourself invited. there's no theme or anything. i'd like to know who is planning on coming, though, so i can get more plates and stuff if i need to. oh, and if you're afraid you won't know anybody, just bring someone you do know.

halloween pictures are coming soon. be certian of that...