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Thursday, July 12, 2007

coming soon...

wow. two months and ten days. elizabeth, thank you for still checking my blog.

a whole heck of a lot has happened since may 2nd, but i won't labor you all with the details. bought a house, in a wedding, moved into said house, unpacked a little, had a great housewarming party, worked a ton, paid some bills. that about sums it up. i think.

so here's what's coming soon: i'm going to new york! for work. for over a week! i'm going to the foundation center's grantseeker training institute for a whole week of grantwriterlearningship. and while i'm there, i'll be doing as much sightseeing and eating as possible. plans so far--sunday afternoon bastille day festival (be french for a day at a jam-packed street festival) tuesday night yankees game with some family that will be in town, thursday night ushering at a blue man group show (aka, seeing the show for FREE, thanks Dave!), friday night MOMA. other loose plans include bronx zoo, serendipity 3, going out on the town with cousins, museum of natural history, eating hot dogs and pretzels and ethiopian food.

also coming soon: pictures of the house. with stuff in it. maybe with painted walls. i have to clean some. i should have taken pictures at the housewarming, but i was too freaking frazzled and then it was too dark.

so here are some pictures to hold you over (or tide you over, as some would say)

i took a sick day wednesday, which provided me with the perfect opportunity to do a little photo shoot with miss june bug. these are my favorite two. don't worry, she's just yawning, but she looks so badass and ferocious.

this next one is of two of the pieces ms. leah billings helped me select for our new house. we've bought a great couch, and leah helped us pick out this great table and lamp to go with it. no, that's not the couch in the picture, it's the old pooey one that's going in the other room once the new one gets here.

that's all i've got for now, people. that and my laptop is beelzebub (my computer actually spell-checked that word for me!)...the power connection is bunk, and earlier it was doing this: AC power on, AC power off, AC power on, AC power off, AC power get the picture. it reminded me a little of wayne's world--camera one, camera two. only much less funny. keep it real.


Chandle said...

I'm so glad you updated. You and Leah both. It looks like your house is great and junebug is super cute. Have a great trip.

Elizabeth Spann said...

Yay for updating. That picture of your cat is freaking hilarious. Have fun in NY! If I remember correctly, Grand Central Station has a really tasty bakery with fabulous cheesecake concoctions... I think. Eat cheesecake for sure, no matter where!

Leah Billings said...

And cannoli! That first pic of the cat reminds me why I think they are the devil. The second one is frame-worthy though (and cute).

Elizabeth Spann said...

Where are the NY pics, yo? ;)