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Monday, November 28, 2005

family and then some...

39. that's right. 39 people for thanksgiving. it was actually quite a good time. so here's the overview of the holiday week: monday i went to the fountain with rachel (a friend that calls) to meet up with evan and watch the razorback game. tuesday i skipped out on class early to meet up with trevor and family (his mom, dad, and younger sister) in perryville. wednesday trevor and i took his family to louis's restaurant so they could informally meet some of my family. wow, almost everyone was there! thursday was lunch at aunt margie and uncle gene's...tons of food, tons of people. we didn't go to a movie, though...first time in years! trevor's and my family really hit it off. good stuff. we were just sorry that his older sisters couldn't make it.
friday we had breakfast with his family before sending them off for tennessee. got to see some old friends, horray for jena! saturday was pretty lazy; went to see nonie because she broke her arm on friday at the salon. sunday we had quite a day...three hours to retrieve aaron from siloam springs, and three hours back all amidst the crazy storminess.
so now i'm in the home stretch. last week at my internship, last week for MCP and stats, and just 2 weeks for evaluation & research. woohoo. then it's weeks and weeks of work-free bliss! i'll be knitting, knitting, cleaning, knitting, and watching loads of movies and tv. i'm pumped.


Elizabeth Spann said...

Glad you had a good time! I want to go to the restaurant sometime soon.
PS- I STILL have your bowl from when you let me take that salad... don't let me steal it!
My word verification is:

Leah Billings said...

I'm glad the families meeting went well. That's awful to hear about Nonie. Is she okay? I would like to try out the new restaurant too. We should plan a get together there soon.