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Thursday, May 05, 2005


all right! school's finished for the time being. what a relief! my evenings are mine...all mine. so i'll be working full-time soon down at the river market. come check it out and buy some organic and local foods. good for you, good for the farmer, good for our planet. the web page is under development, but if you're interested go to and keep your eyes peeled for progress.
i must admit that there's some sadness involved in this last week of school. on friday, while i'm away at work, my wonderful roomie leah will be officially moving out. not only does this mean that the only furniture i've got is in the dining room and my bedroom (not to mention no tv!), but the worst part is the fact that this will be the end of an era. sure, leah and i went a year without living together since moving in together (we've been dorm/rent house roomies since 2000), but this is for good, i'm afraid. we're growing up and our paths are taking us different places (cue sappy music).
on a happier note, it's camping time! trevor and i (and anyone else we can drag along) are going camping...finally! i'm super excited, even though it'll just be a one-night trip.
oh, and look out for some updated photos of the garden. i'm working on it, i promise.

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