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Sunday, May 22, 2005


as i was cleaning out my "keepers" folder in my hotmail account, i came across some interesting and long forgotten things. in addition to my usual saved messages of friends updating contact info, i rediscovered a special email from trevor from before we were even together. how funny that i saved such a thing; i, of course, didn't know then (over a year and a half ago) that our relationship would take us here, but i did know that i liked the way the email made me feel. it's nothing so cheesy as a love note (that's not really trevor's style), but in his own way it was a signal to me that he was diggin on me, too. it was such a treat to find, and i wonder where we'll be when it resurfaces.
something else i found was an email from a college professor with a link about factory farming. it's called the meatrix and everyone who eats meat (and those who oppose it for any reason) should check it out.
well, the party here on saturday was a bit more of a gathering than a party, but it was quite a success anyway. i believe everyone attending had a good time. i know i sure did.


Anonymous said...

didnt know about your housewarming. i would've brought you a pot of flowers
congratulations on your and trevors official..officialness
feels nice, huh?
hope youre taking care all the way down there in l.r.

Anonymous said...

you probably know other megans
so i will clarify