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Thursday, June 09, 2005


wow, i never thought i'd say this, but i think i'm just as addicted to high-speed internet as i am to tv. i had a 6-day hiatus from my internet during the big move, and it's been awful. i hate that i'm so obsessed with checking my email, my blogs, my online wedding planner (dork points: 2), etc.
so to catch up on what i've been doing in the last week, here's the play-by-play...
thursday: day off from work, began moving
friday: trevor comes to help move, rented team america
saturday: more moving, dinner with joel and ashley, rented the avaitor (good, but very long)
sunday: finishing moving, cleaning the old place, dinner with meg
monday: back to work, unpacking, dinner with elizabeth, chandle, and jerm
tuesday: work, star of india with ranch folks
wednesday: work, ultimate summer league draft party (first-round pick for women...thanks joe)
today: hanging out with aunt margie, more unpacking, hunter's ball game, dogsitting for erica and leah
and everyday laced with some sex and the city on dvd...i've got season 5 to watch tonight.
so that should have everyone up to speed on where i've been these days i've not been posting. of course, i'm not on a road trip like ellen, so nobody's too worried about my not posting!
anyhoo, i'd better give this doggie some attention before i become engulfed in the world of carrie and friends...

1 comment:

Ellen said...

don't worry. the only people who worry about me not posting are the only 3 people who read my blog. seems like you got a bigger do you do that? an online wedding planner? sounds cool...are you thinking day or night wedding?