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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

winning young punks

so i made it through my first summer league ultimate game. i really wasn't so sure how i would fare, seeing as i haven't played ultimate since the stress-fractured leg four years ago. i didn't fall down or make a total arse of myself, so that's good, but i didn't actually touch the frisbee either (missed the one pass sent my way). i'm not terribly disappointed in myself, but i am wishing i were in better shape; which is what the whole frisbee thing is about. my team seems pretty cool. a couple of fellas i knew in a former life, and some i just "knew of" (story of my life in high school...knew of people, but wasn't really known myself). i was the only girl that showed up for the game, and it was looking like i was going to have to play the whole time to maintain the one-girl minimum; but the other team allowed us to use a couple of rookie guys to play in my place, which kept me from dying and throwing up the naked juice i chugged down right before the game started (BAD idea jeans).
so now i'm pooped to the max. i had a late junkish dinner, and i'm about to lie the old self down for a read and some sleepy time. tomorrow it's off to perryville with stacey to take her truck to the shop and to go swimming at the watershed. horray for summer.

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