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Monday, October 03, 2005

cuteness factor

so this saturday was filled with loads of fun family time. nothing like watching your favorite kiddos do their thing...hunter's soccer game (their team didn't do so well, but fun was had by all). it's always so cute to see him in his gigantic umbros and jersey. he was the smallest of them out there, but he sure ran his heart out.

and here's lauren frances at her gymnastics show. she's already on the show team at the age of 6, which requires hours of practice each week. it was super cute.

of course we can't forget the ultimate spectator. adding new words to her vocabulary every day, she cheered hunter on "go hunter go!". tonight aunt margie was bribing lindsey with chocolate chips so she'd give kisses. "i want bunches!"

i wish i could upload the video i took of all of them. i'm tellin ya, cute cute cute. if they weren't my neices and nephew, i'd kidnap them in a heartbeat. my kids had better be this cute!


Leah Billings said...

Linsey (sp?) is getting sooo big!

Elizabeth Spann said...

I CANNOT believe those kids are that big now! I remember coming over to your aunt and uncle's house and holding the twins when they were like a week old. Now they have motor skills and can speak! Whoa.

Chandle said...

No kidding, I remember hearing there little feet above my head