Twitter Updates

Monday, February 13, 2006

my current addicions:

1. wasabi...i want it anytime, on almost anything. dab some on a piece of sushi, cover some peanuts or freeze-dried peas. i love it. burns my nose. love it.

2. cookies and milk...oreos and nutter butters. extreme goodness. easy on the mouth. mmmmm.

3. the olympics...we're watching so much of it here. love the skating, love the skiing, love the snowboarding. love it. i think i might try the luge some day, but trevor thinks i'm crazy. i mean, they do go 90 mph or so. either that or be a jockey (as in with the racing horses...i am pretty short, just have to drop 30 pounds or so).

the bane of my existence: my impacted wisdom teeth that think they're going to come in. i've been in pain on one side of my mouth or the other since LAST THURSDAY! it's totally out of control!!! i'm eating bananas for breakfast since the ibubprophen hasn't kicked in by them.


Leah Billings said...

I <3 wasabi too! Wisdom teeth are the devil. When are you gonna have them cut out? When you do, remember to put wet tea bags on the wounds when you get home. The tannins help stop the bleeding.

the gloria family said...

i have been totally addicted to the olympics these past few days, too.

Unknown said...

thanks for the tip! it'll be a good while before i can get rid of the bastards...i don't have coverage. currently, the only oral surgery i can have is if my teeth get smashed in a horrible accident...anyone got a hammer? but seriously, i'm getting them out as soon as i get a job with some real coverage!

Chandle said...

OH my god, brooke, I'm so sorry about your teeth. I have teeth empathy.