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Monday, February 27, 2006

you know you're at a progressive redneck birthday party if...

* the birthday boy gets presents from the oppelo flea market
* nobody bothers to put the pbr in the fridge

* you drink your wine from a mason jar
* instead of hamburgers you have deer burgers

* the highlight of the evening is arm wrestling
* the dogs present have names like "bruiser" and "dixie"

* even the girls arm wrestle
* there's a real slingshot hanging from the ceiling

* trading outfits is the norm (yes, he's wearing my clothes)
* this is the first time you've seen the floors finished (and you're not allowed to ash or spill beer anymore)

* the cowboy and the computer guy can switch roles (and clothes)
* there's a light-up "mad dog" sign on the wall


Ellen said...

well, that makes me miss arkansas

Leah Billings said...

You ranch folk are nuts!

Chandle said...

All hale the redneck birthday party!

Susan said...

My kinda party...sounds so familiar.