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Thursday, April 20, 2006


looks like we won't be moving to north carolina after all...


Leah Billings said...

I'm sorry you didn't get the job. I know it's gotta be disappointing, especially after waiting this long. Chin up!

Elizabeth Spann said...

It will all work out! Sometimes we just have to switch to plan B... or C or D. That's what we do!

Chandle said...

Now you can do whatever you want. That's what I said when I opened the graduate school rejection letter. It's quite liberating. Want to join the circus? Go Ahead. Want to be a professional rock climber? Sign up! I've become a pro at switching plans. It'll turn out for the best. If I were home, I'd take you for a beer.

Anonymous said...

"And this, too, shall pass"
I'm so sorry Brooke. Job searching is a nasty and frustrating process! Believe me; I was there for too long. And I wish you were moving to NC for personal reasons (upcoming e-mail!), but you'll figure it out. Let yourself be sad, but then move on (even if it requires starting over and creating Plan X). You're great, and you can handle this.
Connie P.