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Sunday, July 23, 2006

not much to report

finally, a weekend where we don't drive in the car for hours-on-end. it's always such a toss-up: do we drive an hour and a half to be in little rock, two and a half to be in perryville, or stay put in ho-hum batesville? well, after several weekends in a row of travel and trevor's complaints about wanting to just have a relaxing weekend at home, we decided to have a batesville weekend.

friday was actually pretty eventful. we got a pretty good storm at work, which i was worried would keep us from going to the fair. but it let up, and we made our way to the independence county fair to see some of the ranch (arkansas sheriffs', not heifer) kids show their horses. the kids took quite a few ribbons, and we left before seeing who took best in show. the storm kicked up again while we were there watching, much to the chagrin of the horsies. it's actually kind of scary to watch a teeny little kid show a huge horse that doesn't want to behave itself...

saturday we finished up nari's pen in the backyard. i think it's fully escape-proof. i guess we'll find out this week (hopefully not the hard way). we watched city of god last night--very violent, but poignant.

today we've been doing our chores: trevor did dishes and mowed the lawn, and i cleaned the kitchen, did all of the floors, and am about to start some laundry. we're going to try to see pirates of the caribbean this afternoon. for our FORTH TRY! yes, we've unsuccessfully tried to see this movien here in baesville 3 times and it has been sold out. granted, it's a pretty small theater, but good grief! hopefully we'll get lucky this time...fourth time's a charm???

oh, and for those of you that are interested, i've started a new blog. i'm going to begin "practice writing" so that maybe one day i can write a book. i'm not going to make it super public (though that's pretty hard to do on the internet...), so if you'd like to be a reader and give me input, let me know and i'll email you the link.

later peeps.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

you had bettah send me that link