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Monday, July 03, 2006

no, i'm not expecting!

a short, sad story to kill time because i'm one of the only 5 people in the country stuck working at the office today. (and yes, ashely, i'd agree that i'm becoming a little obsessed with this--but i can't help it).

the scene: it's after a long, hot day in trevor's air conditioning-free car running all over little rock doing wedding things and we're checking out some dogs for adoption next door to ozark outdoor. my hair is a bit wind-blown, i'm pretty sweaty, but i'm wearing a cute white skirt and a pink tank top. trevor and i are looking at this awesome, calm dog when a volunteer lady comes up to us and starts telling us about the dog. so i'm petting the dog and looking at how cute it is when the lady says to me "oh, are you expecting a baby?" yeah. my worst fears confirmed. sure, i've had a 6-year-old ask me if i was having a baby, but i chalk it up to wearing a shirt that's a little funny-shaped and to her being only 6. adults should freakin know better! i wish i'd thought to say something clever back to her like, "yeah, just as soon as trevor here knocks me up!" or "sure, in a couple of years". geez. she was totally embarassed. she should have just given us the dog.

no, we didn't end up getting the dog due to better judgement. but if we see her again there one saturday when we're in little rock, we're getting her. she rocks.

more about the weekend and finding a place to be wed to come...


Elizabeth Spann said...

That is ridiculous. Seriously.

Chandle said...

You are the thinnest person I know. I must look like I swallowed an orangatange.