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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

a series of fortunate posts

whew, i've just finished the following 3 posts with accompanying pictures. it seemed easier to split up the post into multiples. but it sure took a long time to get them just right. so take a look at what we've been up to the last 2 weeks. busy as the bees. i, of course, didn't get shots of everything, and we sure did a lot.

in fact, there's a whole lot that's left out. so here's a little list of other things we did:

*ate. and ate. and ate. meat at lunch and dinner...and i don't mean deli slices. pie. dinner rolls with homemade strawberry jam. i'm fatter, for sure.
*spent lots of time with trevor's family. and his best pal, rick.
*saw x-men III
*went to the bretheren young adult conference in pennsylvania. saw my grandmother that lives there (haven't seen since 7th grade). did not, however, see any horse-drawn buggies. bummer.
*tried to get chanda's vw bug posted on ebay. yeah, if you're looking to buy a baby blue bug, let me know.
*watched a lot of tv. animal planet. the little zoo that could.
*went contra dancing. man, i loved it! i wish i could find something like that going on around batesville.

i'm sure there's loads more that i'm leaving out, but i'm sure you're already bored to tears, and you've still got 3 more posts to go!

coming soon: pictures of the house with (ghasp!) furniture and the like. kitchen: check. dining/living room: almost check. rest of house: negatory.

oh, and call if you want the really big news...


Leah Billings said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the house. Glad your travels were good. Oh, and what's contra dancing?

the gloria family said...

yea for long posts!

Elizabeth Spann said...

Good to hear from you, Brooke- sounds like things are going really well! I'm so glad!