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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

seed ticks = the devil

alright, so i've found the hole in the gloriousness of living in the woods: seed ticks. i mean, seriously, they are the DEVIL. when our landlady said "the ticks are really bad," i thought she meant the regular ones that you can pick off with relative ease. um, no. friday trevor and i took off early from work to "unpack", which was code for exploring the woods we're living in (we had been dying to do so ever since we first saw the place). we ran into a few seed ticks here and there in the first stretch...found the old salvage yard that was on the property along with some random abandoned trucks, boats, a school bus, trailers, etc. then we started following a cattle highway in hopes that it would lead us to the river (we know it's out there somewhere!). we did find a super old-school chicken house and a 1970 AR license plate. and a mess of seed ticks. all over our feet. horrible. we eventually gave up the search for the river when we came across a shale pit and could tell that the river was quite a ways off, and made our way up the trailless hill back to the house.

saturday we went to little rock to do some wedding stuff. trevor's dad was stopping through, so we got to have lunch with him at the flying fish. we went to look at wedding invitations, and tried to go purchase our rings, but the jewelery store was closed for the holiday...bummer. looks like another trip to little rock this coming weekend. boo--tired of driving/riding in the car! but we did get to have dinner with katie and travis at vino's-delicioso.

sunday i messed with the ipod i stupidly purchased on saturday. it seems that it and my laptop don't want to get along. it worked the first time i connected them, but not since. i'm thinking about just taking it back. what a fiasco.

monday we spent about 45 minutes getting seed ticks off of nari, and then we got the tip to bathe her with lemon fresh joy. we also treated her with the regular flea/tick stuff, so we'll see how it works out. she's been pretty miserable. but still in a pretty good mood.

lots of unpacking has taken place, but we're not quite ready to do a photo debut of the house. but you'll all be jealous of the paradise. except for the ticks i can't seem to stop talking about. i'm stopping.


katandkarl said...

seed ticks are the devil. we took rox and lo out to karl's dad's in paron and they got infested a few weeks ago. it was awfully yucky and their poor bellies were itchy and red and spotty. =( very sad and there were approximately 1 bazillion seed ticks on my kitchen floor which was not so pleasant.

we got the ticks only collars at the vet and they worked really well really fast if nari's aren't going away.

sorry nari!

Susan said...

I hate ticks. Why didn't Noah stomp on those 2 critters?! They're worse than mosquitos. Give me the hibbie jibbies!