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Wednesday, April 27, 2005


whew, my eyes are exhausted! i've done so well this year not procrastinating with my assignments...that is, until right about now. in the next week, i've got a grant proposal and a research paper due, in addition to my research methods final. how much have i done??? not so much.
so here's some food for thought: what do you do when you're a student of social work (a field heavily concerned with ethics), and one of your professors behaves in a manner that is FAR from ethical? we're not talking sexual harassment or something so blatantly obvious as that. more like the subversive sort of thing that a professor with tenure can get away with. one classmate has already gone to the department head with a complaint, but it's looking like we students are going to have to suck it up and hope that our grades aren't affected. it's a little dishartening to realize that there are people like this even in the most well-intentioned professions.
on a happier note, my favorite for america's next top model (the only tv show i allowed myself to watch today) did very well tonight and was not eliminated. i know that there are some pretty nasty parts to the modeling industry (like one of the girl's being reminded that you have to be skinny to be a model, so lose that belly!), but it's like the show allows me to vicariously live the life of a supermodel hopeful (i knew i could never be a model when i realized i wasn't going to make it past 5'2"). i guess that's what reality tv is all (not really all) about.
also on a good note, the garden is coming along quite nicely (except for the new transplants i put in on monday). i should have pictures up after the weekend if i remember to charge the camera...
alrighty, that's about all i've got for now.
later peeps

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