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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

playin' hookie

yeah, so i'm turning into a horrible i left my assistanceship at 10 because of a non-specific tummy ache. sure, by lunch i was feeling fine. but did i go to class at 1? no. did i go to class at 5? no. did i lie in bed and watch days of our lives and piddle around the house and take a walk? yes! is it really malingering if my stomach hurt for a while?
for those of you in the central arkansas area, wasn't that a wicked loud storm last night??? it (along with the tummy) kept me up quite late. i hear we're getting more of that. ahh, arkansas in the spring. went to check on the garden, and my babies weathered the storm well; rather pleased about that.
oh, if there's anyone out there that is a fan of old crow medicine show, they will be playing at sticky fingers on april 22. well, i'm about out of words, so i'll go before it gets dreadful.
later gators

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Brooke, The tummy ache, or the lazy bug struck you, huh. A guy could never get away with that. "oh yeah, I can't come it to work today, I have a, a tummy ache. Now, the shits is alright. I've missed work for the shits before. Damned cedar lounge deep-fried hot wings. Ashley is excited about moving to Little Rock and becoming an urbanite. You'll probably see more of me to so you got that to look forward to. My stinking ass is part of the package. Don't worry about furniture and what not. If you have Ashley's mom visit you will have a goddamn hot tub before you know it. Well, I'll check you blog every now and then. Pictures are great. You should have contests, like name that flower, and what do you think I'm thinking about right now and such. What color is my underwear, you know, be creative. Or a Brooke facts quiz. YOu could ask questions about your life or past and we have to write in and give the right answers, or the wrong very funny answers. That's how you can get more responses I bet. Anyway, maybe I'll see you this weekend sometime. lylas, joel