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Sunday, May 07, 2006

breaking and entering

so here's a fun sunday:

trevor and i thought we'd take up a load of boxes and whatnot to the batesville house, you know, just get a bit of a start. we also thought it might be fun to take the tarz up with us so he could also check out the house. so we get to the house and unload. eat lunch, make a couple of phone calls, put the boxes in closets and such. tarzan was doing alright, so after lunch we thought we'd leave him there and go check out the availability of our favorite foods at the local kroger.

the excitement all begins when we get back to the house from our trip to the store. the front door had been unlocked when we showed up earlier, so we were extra sure to super lock the back door and to have the front door locked behind us. well, i go to unlock the door with the key our land lady gave me (trevor left his in little rock...what's the point in having 2 keys?), and nothing happens. nothing. yeah, the key is bum. bum.

trevor decides to try to key the door open, and i put him on the phone with the land lady. meanwhile, tarzan's at the door pawing and meowing for us (sadness). land lady says she doesn't have a key on her, and later lets us know that there's no one at the office. message: you're on you own. trevor keeps trying and trying to key the door open, and i walk around the house trying to find alternative ways in. no luck. trevor then decides to get a little more physical with the door. and breaks it down. essentially. the lock was totally jacked up. yep, we were certainly on our own.

so then trevor goes to the wholesale hardware store up the way. long story short(er since it's already gotten pretty long), the wholesale store carries crap and the door knob set he bought was junk. after trevor messing with it awhile, i decide to head somewhere else (that will be kept anonymous) to purchase a more sturdy knob set. finally, trevor gets a new knob and lock and all set up. we're good to go. drive back to little rock. get to the apartment. yeah, where are the apartment keys? you had them last. no, i put them on the counter. uh-huh, they're in batesville. only option: break into our second home of the day. fortunately enough we have the only second-story fire escape and i was able to get on trevor's shoulders, climb the ladder and get in through the one screenless window on our apartment.

we're pretty exhausted. it's tiring breaking into houses and apartments. almost time for grey's anatomy. don't forget to check out the pictures below i took of the house...


Leah Billings said...

That totally sucks!

Elizabeth Spann said...

That's craziness!

Ellen said...

wow! and what a cute house! where is batesville? population?

Chandle said...

You can now be a professional thief.

Anonymous said...

hey that house looks cute!
isnt batesville near searcy?
i got your message, thanks for calling. are you having a graduation party or anything?

a housewarming potluck? keep me updated!

love, megan