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Thursday, May 11, 2006

some stuff

well, the time is quickly approaching. i'll no longer be just brooke s., i'll be brooke s., msw (well, lmsw as soon as i quit being lazy and apply for licensure).

it's been nice being on vacation. i've done some reading, some packing, katie came over for a visit and to deliver the bowl i painted when we went to firefly studio last week. i've also been working on getting utilities and internet and whatnot all set up at the batesville house. turns out i've got to go up there two times next week--monday with trevor to thake another load, get the water turned on and to fill out some paper work job stuff; and then friday to get the gas turned on. so if anyone is planning on being bored on friday (not as in tomorrow) and wants to take a trip to batesville (a very pretty drive) with me, i'd love the company since it'll just be me otherwise.

my parents should be getting in sometime tonight. they've been driving for days from seattle. yikes. that's a lot of sitting. tomorrow trevor is taking me to lunch before the convocation. then afterwords (and all reading this that know who i am and live in the viscinity) we're all going to louis's restaurant, reno's argenta cafe, for festivities.

well, i'm gonna watch some tv now. i've been making myself do more wholesome things all day (except when my story came on...leah knows what i'm talkin bout), but now it's time for friends and that 70's show. love it.


Elizabeth Spann said...

Happy graduation day! I love that picture. You guys are adorable.

Chandle said...

Congrats, Brooke. You rock.

Leah Billings said...

Congrats once again. What time are you going on Friday? I have class until 11AM but then I'm free for the rest of the day. said...

Hi Brooke...

I love your blog. Please send me your email address, so we can talk about networking.

Ruth Mitchell