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Sunday, August 20, 2006

10-toed sloth

oh man, we've been such couch potatoes this weekend! friday we went to the melba to see the devil wears prada--don't see it if you don't like to receive the message: you're fat, unfashionable and homely. just another anne hathaway make-over movie. it was entertaining, though. yesterday was shoping, baking cookies and watching sex and he city. last night we went to the wards' house for movie night with some of the ranch girls and some of david and melissa's teenage nephews. 8 teenagers, 3 movies. three movies! we watched valiant (so david's little kids could participate in movie night), when a stranger calls and the benchwarmers. it was pretty amusing to watch a "scary" movie with a bunch of teenagers. more amusing, in fact, than the movie itself. we didn't make it home until midnight, which i belive makes our latest night out in independence county.

today we watched more sex and the city, packed a few boxes (this is our next-to-last weekend in this house) and lounged around. oh, and i've decided to take up "art". i'm basically playing with pastels making these "birds" taht are pretty weird. who knows how long it will last. it's pretty fun, though, and maybe i'll post some photos of them if i get have to promise not to laugh. and i've been playing the heck out of my mandolin. i got a new book last weekend that's way better for learning than the book i bought when i first got the mando. pretty soon, i'll be takin my sho on the road...


Leah Billings said...

Yea! for the art. Who knows...maybe you'll become a famous modern art genious who sells there paintings for billions of dollars.

Ashley said...

Or maybe you could combine the two into an act where you sing little mando-ditties about the birds you've drawn and displayed - very original

Elizabeth Spann said...

Awww. I loved the Devil Wears Prada! Sadness.

Anonymous said...

Now could you fashion me a fighting cock with your finger paints.