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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

who knew...

that it is acceptable office etiquette to purposefully dump hole-punch dots so that the woman who does the cleaning in the mornings will vaccuum your office? i mean, come on! i heard some people talking about it one afternoon last week and i thought they were kidding. but then i saw a bunch of dots on the floor of marty's office yesterday morning. i'm sure it could be a coincidence, but you never can tell, i guess. and i'd be willing to bet that paula's wise to the scheme; she's just too sweet to make a fuss. is this common? is this the way of the office?

in other news, it's now just ONE WEEK until we make our move. um, yeah, we've only packed a handful of boxes. but we've had tons of offers for help, which is awesome. turns out i'm a sucker, and we'll still have the internet at our new house (they really give you a deal when you try to disconnect your service). also, it seems that my student loans have gotten effed up: my bank sold the loans to some company while i was in the process of consolidating. the consolidation folks sent me a bill even though the bank sent them a check. oh, and for some reason, the company the bank sold the loans to believe i'm in school till 2009, and can't change my status until ualr tells them otherwise, which means the consolidation folks can't buy my loans while i'm "in school". talk about a snafu. i'd better get my $200 check back!

and ashley, i've put another post on my other blog. i know i've not been writing on it nearly as much as i thought i would...


Elizabeth Spann said...

I've never heard that about the hole-punch thingies. Weird! Good luck with the move!

Leah Billings said...

I hate being an adult. It seems that everything we try to do now involving paper work or forms gets messed up or lost or mis-filed or something else that causes stress and anger. Arrrgh! What gives?