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Thursday, August 03, 2006

holy running bobcat, batman!

so i know i need to be posting photos from the boat race, but i'm at work and without my camera, and i just have to share this crazy story from my drive to work this morning.

so i'm beebopping along down highway 106 to bethesda, when something darts across the road. i didn't have to slam on my breaks or anything, just had to let off the gas. trevor asked if a deer had run by, but i said no, it was a bobcat! i've never seen one before in my life, but i am 99% sure that's what it was. short tail, black spots, fast as all get out. it was a bobcat. apparently the people working in the lime quarry have been seeing a few of them around, and i guess that's probably near where i saw it.

anyway, it made my morning, for sure.


Elizabeth Spann said...

Crazy talk!

Chandle said...


Ashley said...

woah - email me your address again please - pretty please - I know this is the most ridiculous thing ever!