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Sunday, August 06, 2006

yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!

well, one week are the long-awaited (or not) boat race pictures.

ashley and megan having a pre-race chat.
travis, katie and sarah all decked out in costume (and a half-naked trevor in the background:)our boat's crew: me, sarah, ellen and katie...our boat was so huge, we probably could have used more paddlers...and notice the sexy old lady blow-up doll in the front!
a frenzied start (this is only about a third of the boats)
our boat in the home stretch...after downing melted jello shots that tasted like super thick cough syrup--yuckola
betsy & chris's amazingly crafted fightin' cock (rock out with your cock out as they'd say)
our boat was awarded "bigest boat" and katie did a dramatic reading from a trashy novel while sarah violated me (in order to best depict what was happening in the novel, of course)
surprise, surprise. i'm pretty sure that i've taken this picture each and every year. i think they even host the race and part cause they know they're going to win.
overall, it was a total blast. even nari had fun. we stayed later than we should have, but still missed out on the slip-and-slide. bummer.


Leah Billings said...

Looks as crazy and fun as usual!

Elizabeth Spann said...

How fun!